How to Uninstall DoremiZone Programs?

On Windows

  1. Step 1. Select Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a Program.
  2. Step 2. Right-click on the program you want to remove, and then select Uninstall.
  3. Step 3. Click 'Yes' in the dialog window on question: 'Are you sure to uninstall DoremiZone program?'

On macOS

  1. Step 1. Open 'Applications' category in Finder, and find the software you want to delete.
  2. Step 2. Drag the application to the Trash, or select the application and choose File > Move to Trash.
  3. Step 3. Empty the Trash.


  1. Step 1. Long-press on the app you want to uninstall, and you’ll see a Trash on the top of the screen.
  2. Step 2. Drag the app to the Trash.