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Doremi Music Downloader Giveaway

Doremi 1-Year License



Fill out the form to get 1-year license for free

Giveaway Ended


We are honored by your interest in Doremi Music Downloader. The giveaway for 1-year membership has ended.
But our special offer for lifetime license (5 users) of Doremi is still available. You only need to pay $27 to get the full-featured membership for whole life, which valued $50.
Take the chance to make a good bargain!

Doremi Music Downloader Unlimited

  • Lifetime use
  • 5 users available
  • Priority technical support
  • Access all premium features


Pay Once Enjoy Forever!

● How to get free license?

  1. 1. Fill out the form above to create a new Doremi account. Be sure to remember the email and password you enter here, because you will need it again. If you've signed up for Doremi before, just need to enter the email address and click on "Get Free License Now".
  2. 2. Install and run the program, then login with your Doremi account (the one you just created), and the license will be activated. If it still shows “Free Trial,” please make sure you enter the right email and password or contact us.

Congratulations! You’ve just got the Doremi 1-Year license.

Now you can click on the button below to download Doremi on your device.

Available on: Windows macOS Android
What to do after installation?
Run the program, login with your Doremi account (the one you just created), and the license will be registered. Have fun!

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